Monday, 30 September 2013

How research associates should leverage the internet?

Research associates are always in search of information. They never leave any stone unturned to extract every possible piece of information. The internet has become a major source of information and it can be extremely useful for them, provided they know how to use that. There are a few points that make it a great resource:

a)    It is a great source of information with full reliability and validity. There are so many websites that give information that is authentic and certified by the experts.

b)    It is quick and accessible. Nowadays it is possible to browse the internet on mobile phones. Thus, you can access the information anywhere and anytime.

c)    It is specific. Students can ask for the particular information and get is within no time. However, it depends on the accuracy and precision of the query being made on the internet.

d)    It is incredibly simple. Even a layman can search information on the internet. You should know the right keywords and the information can be found there.

How is it beneficial for research associates?

a)    Research associates can get access to the previous research done on the same subject. They can go through the journals and publications related to their topic. Earlier there was a need to sit in the library and search through the index of every journal in order to look for specific information. Now it is just a matter of a few clicks and it is available.

b)    Research associates can contact the people who have done research in the same subject. There are many blogs, forums and social groups available on the internet. Associates can ask questions, put forward questions and initiate discussions related to the topic of research.

c)     Reference material and historical perspective can be obtained from the websites. It is very helpful in making necessary assumptions for the research.

d)    Research associates can access the big organizations and universities by creating user profiles. They can become aware about the other research activities going on worldwide. It enhances the understanding of the subject and valuable research can be done.

e)    Publishing the content on the internet is very easy. There are various options available on the internet to publish the latest findings. In some cases, it is considered patent and copyright and research associates can claim for it.

The world of internet has become immense helpful for research associates. With the use of proper technique, they can get tremendous benefit from it.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Importance of thesis proofreading

One should not underestimate the significance of proofreading any document. Most of the students plan to submit their manuscript to the publishers for consideration. But, one should remember that no manuscript is perfect without proofreading. In order to get your manuscript published, you need to proofread your thesis or get it proofread by any expert. Most of the doctoral students find thesis proofreading services to be an ultimate stepping stone of their career. Proofreading does not mean rewriting or recopying the content, but instead, making necessary changes that make your paper free from logical and grammatical mistakes. The ability to proofread is not a born quality, can be acquired through skills and practice. Professionals with years of experience are the right people to handle this job. Most of the times, it happens that scholars who have worked on a thesis tend to overlook minor errors that include -grammatical, language, and structural and others. All these kinds of errors are not acceptable in academic writing.

Thesis proofreading has become quite common, but it does not mean show that capability of the student is underestimated. Moreover, it reflects the higher standards of the academic qualifications. The academic advisors are expected to support students to do research and achieve higher degrees by presenting an effective thesis. Proofreading thesis can help students gain good grades and recognition. The students who are confident of writing essays must encourage PhD thesis proofreading, as this will help them in getting better grades. Below are some of the important proofreading tips, which every student can follow to write a perfect thesis -

  • The students can make use of multiple colored pens. You can also mark the important words. If you found any spelling mistakes or grammatical error, you can mark it with a marker. 
  • The sentences should not be repeated every now and then. The thesis includes multiple chapters and you need to make sure that you do not link one chapter with the other. The contents discussed in one chapter should not be repeated in the other chapter. 
  • Read your thesis multiple times, by considering different aspects. Make a copy of your thesis and fix the errors that are highlighted.
  • You can take help of professional company that provides proofreading and editing service. is one of the leading platforms that provide a number of writing and editing services to the students of all levels.

Thesis proofreading services provided by a professional company can surely bring peace to your mind. A reliable company reduces your workload, especially, when your deadline is near.

Monday, 2 September 2013

The strengths of E-learning Providers

The e-learning method of education is getting into the core sector of various sectors. The uniqueness of e-learning process makes it stand out in the crowd. Man’s right to learn things made the e-learning to flourish. The scope of e-learning is increasing day by day. Major education institutions and other knowledge hubs are providing assistance to the common people through e-learning sites and e-learning stuffs. They are mainly aimed to provide maximum knowledge to the people around.

By getting a better knowledge, individuals can fly to a great height. The busy life of present generation hinders the-learning process. The case is exactly seen in the working folks and other engaged people. The e-learning provides the facility to learn things at the time which they prefer. This modern education created many good brains in many industries and firms. Some of the institution and companies provide facilities to the e-learning. The main aim of such sessions is to create a better skill among the best candidates in the working wing.

The e-learning providers collect much information from various sources. Some of the e-learners are the providers of the other and vice versa. In other words, e-learning is not possible without the network linkages between the providers. The e-learning sites possess various colors and characteristics. They come in various outlooks to make themselves unique. There are experts in the field to provide all the assistance to come out as the best-in-class knowledge provider. They always keep eyes on the network and thus have a clear picture about the present trend or demand. The experts give many options to improve the presentation. The essence of every e-learning site is the presentation of the things. So to stand out among your competitors, you need to improve the presentation.

The web assistance team will suggest new methods like the incorporation of the animation and interactive sessions in the web page. A pure text page will make the reader sleep and the animation along with many interactive sessions can make the site more lively and unique. Thus more and more people will prefer for the real time experience of learning. All these activities can be done only with the help of an expert hand. If you are a new comer to e-learning, then you can get the assistance of the expert teams for a healthier growth.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Making way for E-Learning solutions

Learning is a never-ending process. There is actually no age for learning. This is what e-learning focuses on while helping people grab a brilliant amount of information different aspects of life. Nowadays, every small-scale as well as large-scale business enterprise is facing the need to train their employee strength in order to hone the business success. 

With the inception of e-learning solutions, it is become feasible for the students/faculty to grab excellent amount of information on different verticals. A huge population of educational institutions and business firms has started availing e-learning content development services so as to ensure that their website is competent in helping people gather useful and accurate information. 

E-Learning solutions act as a triggering factor for enhancing the productivity at a business enterprise or at an educational institution. Employees can choose the e-learning solutions offered by experts and grab brilliant tips and tricks on managing their potential as per the task assigned and in a way maximize their productivity by huge bounds and leaps. E-learning solution providers play an important role in grooming up the sales force in the perfect manner. The e-learning courses available nowadays have a wide range of subjects including customer relationship management, techniques to generate value proposition and importance of customer delight. 

Making way for e-learning solutions can actually allow us to grow both; as an individual and also as a business enterprise owner. So, go ahead and grab the best e-learning options which can help you succeed at the fastest pace. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

How to produce creative content for e-learners?

Looking at the astounding interest of people towards seeking information via the internet, more and more business professionals and social activists have started focusing on producing creative content for e-learners. If you too are a conscious learner, then internet can prove to be an excellent means of gathering brilliant amount of information regarding different verticals.

Producing highly appealing e-learning content is not everybody’s cup of tea. With the advent of authoring tools, it has become quite convenient for the authors to produce excellent quality e-learning content to be placed over different websites.

These authoring tools/e-learning content development tools have proved to be extremely user-friendly and interactive for the e-learners. It is due to this user-friendly nature of the authoring tools that a maximum number of authors have started creating e-learning content using these tools.

Adding animation to the e-learning content has proved to be an impressive means of making the content more interesting and informative. E-learners tend to fall asleep during online lectures which are complex and contain purely text. In order to ensure maximum readers for your e-learning content, it is absolutely essential for you to produce interactive and interesting content. Hope this blog post helps you gather important and useful information!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Is Statistics Help using SPSS beneficial for you?

If you are a research student, then you would definitely require help with dissertation statistics at some or the other point during the dissertation creation process. It is due to the constant urge for creating award-winning research papers that most of the researchers have now chosen to opt for the best dissertation statisticians who can guide them with the best means of undertaking the dissertation data analysis task using the finest statistical tools such as SPSS, E-Views etc.

Statistics forms one of the major components of dissertation writing process. As a researcher, it is entirely up to you to ensure that the data analysis process undertaken as a part of your dissertation writing process is up to mark and results into the creation of an absolutely brilliant dissertation which is able to gather the attention of maximum number of researchers who are going to review the respective research document. By grabbing professional statistics help using SPSS, a researcher can easily ensure that his/her research paper would comprise of only the important and accurate details related to the research theme.

Using different statistical tools for analyzing the data has proved to be extremely beneficial for the development of the research documents. Millions and millions of research students across the globe are always making efforts towards using the best statistical tools for their data analysis process. The expert dissertation statisticians possess a great amount of expertise in using different statistical tools such as SPSS, E-Views, R, etc which result into a well analyzed data that is fit for the dissertation.

With the help of a holistic approach, the dissertation writers ensure that their clients get the best dissertation writing services for their purpose. These experts have a great amount of confidence in their job and are committed towards helping each and every research scholars who comes to them in search of affordable and professional dissertation writing and editing services.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Role of subject matter expert in E Learning Content Development

Subject matter experts (SMEs) provide IDs loaded with the information and knowledge for which they need to prepare e-learning materials. SMEs provide IDs with high quality content for courses where domain-specific knowledge and skills must be inculcated. E learning content development Services can be hired for developing learner friendly and interactive content.

While developing e-learning content SMEs should refer to the course details (or course plan) to get an idea about the topics to be covered and the approach they must take for illustrating those topics. The level of detail, the language to use, the preference for illustrating concepts through examples etc. are some instructions to keep in mind. With these instructions, SMEs can write the content effectively and efficiently. Some of the tips for SMEs on authoring lesson content are as follows:

  • Objectives: Before developing the content for a particular topic, SMEs should review the learning objectives recommended for that topic. Not only the content, even exercises should match the objectives of the topic.
  • Understandable: Explain every bit of knowledge that a learner requires, even if it seems easier and of common knowledge to you. Illustrate with examples which are helpful in understanding the concept. This will help in increasing retention power of the learner.
  • Classification: Topics should be categorized according to the needs of the learner. There are some topics (or concepts) that are must know, these are almost compulsory. Other, are good to know topics which are not compulsory but its understanding can add to interest in the topic.
  • Writing style: Write in a direct and clear manner. Short sentences without jargons are better than long and confusing sentences.
Statistics Help using SPSS by professionals can be hired by a researcher for valid statistical analysis of data.

Online SPSS Trainings for Questionnaire design

Description: Statistics Help using SPSS
Online SPSS Trainings

Your research topic is of topmost importance while deciding on methodology for research. If study requires a questionnaire survey for data collection, then you should design questionnaire according to your study. A questionnaire design affects statistical data analysis a lot. Statistics Help using SPSS can be hired by a researcher from expert statisticians for valid statistical analysis of data. There is a list of do’s and don’ts to design a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Some of these pointers are:

  • Research question: What a researcher is trying to find out is of utmost importance while framing a questionnaire. This will help in framing questions according to the topic.

  • Method: Researcher will decide whether he will use self-administered or interviewer-administered questionnaire. Self-administered interview can be sent by mail etc. While, interviewer-administered questionnaire can be performed over the phone or in person. Topic and subject’s efficiency are parameters for deciding, which type of method should be used. Personal questions are better asked through self-administered questionnaire. Interviewer’s efficiency is a plus point where specific interview skills are required.
  • Questionnaire format: Questions in a questionnaire should be simple i.e. should not be ambiguous in nature. Questions should be in a logical sequence. It should not be too lengthy or tiring, as it can reduce the chances of efficiency. Avoid open ended questions to elucidate objective results for your research.

  • Training: Before performing data collection with the help of a questionnaire researcher should be trained to get answers in best possible manner. He should understand the importance of objectivity and un-bias attitude for valid data collection.
Online SPSS Trainings is available for students who are pursuing research and finding it difficult to analyze statistical data with perfection. Questionnaires can be designed efficiently if the researcher has knowledge about the data required and the tools that will be used to analyse it.

ANOVA for dissertation statistics

International Journal of Finance

Help with Dissertation Statistics

ANOVA is a term frequently used by statisticians to denote analysis of variance. It is useful when there are one or two groups of variables. When there are two groups it give result similar to t-test, however, when there are more than two groups t-test gives dubious results. ANOVA is used when researcher wants to study the effect of one or more qualitative variables on a quantitative outcome variable. Here qualitative variables are referred to as factors. This test helps in comparing mean of more than two groups. Help with Dissertation Statistics can be used for statistical data analysis efficiently. 

There are various types of ANOVA test performed according to the data collected. The basic requirement of using ANOVA is that the populations used for study show normal distribution and have equal variance. It is used in a two-mean test to check for significant difference between two sample means. Also, it is used to compare multiple means, if the difference between multiple sample means is significant.

One-Way ANOVA or single factor ANOVA is simplest of all others. It is often used to compare means of collected data from more than two sources. The characteristic that differentiates the treatments or populations from one another is called factor of study and the different treatments or populations are known as the levels of the factor.

A two-way ANOVA or two factors analysis of variance measure the effects of two factors simultaneously. The populations from which the samples are collected should be normally distributed. Use of independent samples and populations with equal variation is necessary. All the groups must have the same sample size.
International Journal of Finance publishes original research contributions in the field of corporate finance after blind peer review by experts. The journals are internationally listed and the articles are rated by the readers to give a fair idea about their quality.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Steps in Research process followed by Thesis Writing India

Statistics Help using SPSS
                      PhD Research Consulting

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” Zora Neale Hurston Research in layman’s term refers to a search or quest for knowledge. It can also be defined as a scientific and systematic approach to search some information on a specific topic. To write a thesis a researcher should understand various facts about research and its procedure.

Research involves various steps to conduct it in an organized and efficient manner. Thesis Writing India experts guide you through all these steps and phases of research for building a good thesis report. These are as follows:

*   Formulate research problem: Formulating a research problem is most important step of research phase. In this phase you decide what to find out. In this phase certain considerations are important like, interest of researcher, availability of the data, relevancy to subject, expertise, and availability of data.

*   Review Literature: Literature review is the most valuable part of research process, as       it brings clarity and focus to the research problem. It improves methodology and broadens knowledge base of the researcher, in a way this instils confidence in the researcher.

*   Hypotheses construction: Hypotheses is an assumption or hunch for something about which truth is hidden. It gives focus and thus objectivity to your research. It helps in preparing a research design.

*   Research design: Preparation of research design is construction of structure of research within which it will be conducted. The objectives and method of data collection is identified in this phase.

*   Collection and analysis of data: Data is collected and analyzed in this phase. Statistics Help using SPSS can be availed by researchers from expert statisticians to analyze data efficiently and correctly.

*   Interpretation of data: Data collected and analyzed is interpreted and generalized, so that researcher explains his findings on the basis some theory.

Revise the thesis: Thesis Proofreading services are rendered by professionals to proofread and edit thesis of your research work. This step is important to ensure that there are no mistakes left.