Monday, 11 February 2013

Online SPSS Trainings for Questionnaire design

Description: Statistics Help using SPSS
Online SPSS Trainings

Your research topic is of topmost importance while deciding on methodology for research. If study requires a questionnaire survey for data collection, then you should design questionnaire according to your study. A questionnaire design affects statistical data analysis a lot. Statistics Help using SPSS can be hired by a researcher from expert statisticians for valid statistical analysis of data. There is a list of do’s and don’ts to design a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Some of these pointers are:

  • Research question: What a researcher is trying to find out is of utmost importance while framing a questionnaire. This will help in framing questions according to the topic.

  • Method: Researcher will decide whether he will use self-administered or interviewer-administered questionnaire. Self-administered interview can be sent by mail etc. While, interviewer-administered questionnaire can be performed over the phone or in person. Topic and subject’s efficiency are parameters for deciding, which type of method should be used. Personal questions are better asked through self-administered questionnaire. Interviewer’s efficiency is a plus point where specific interview skills are required.
  • Questionnaire format: Questions in a questionnaire should be simple i.e. should not be ambiguous in nature. Questions should be in a logical sequence. It should not be too lengthy or tiring, as it can reduce the chances of efficiency. Avoid open ended questions to elucidate objective results for your research.

  • Training: Before performing data collection with the help of a questionnaire researcher should be trained to get answers in best possible manner. He should understand the importance of objectivity and un-bias attitude for valid data collection.
Online SPSS Trainings is available for students who are pursuing research and finding it difficult to analyze statistical data with perfection. Questionnaires can be designed efficiently if the researcher has knowledge about the data required and the tools that will be used to analyse it.

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