Monday, 11 February 2013

Role of subject matter expert in E Learning Content Development

Subject matter experts (SMEs) provide IDs loaded with the information and knowledge for which they need to prepare e-learning materials. SMEs provide IDs with high quality content for courses where domain-specific knowledge and skills must be inculcated. E learning content development Services can be hired for developing learner friendly and interactive content.

While developing e-learning content SMEs should refer to the course details (or course plan) to get an idea about the topics to be covered and the approach they must take for illustrating those topics. The level of detail, the language to use, the preference for illustrating concepts through examples etc. are some instructions to keep in mind. With these instructions, SMEs can write the content effectively and efficiently. Some of the tips for SMEs on authoring lesson content are as follows:

  • Objectives: Before developing the content for a particular topic, SMEs should review the learning objectives recommended for that topic. Not only the content, even exercises should match the objectives of the topic.
  • Understandable: Explain every bit of knowledge that a learner requires, even if it seems easier and of common knowledge to you. Illustrate with examples which are helpful in understanding the concept. This will help in increasing retention power of the learner.
  • Classification: Topics should be categorized according to the needs of the learner. There are some topics (or concepts) that are must know, these are almost compulsory. Other, are good to know topics which are not compulsory but its understanding can add to interest in the topic.
  • Writing style: Write in a direct and clear manner. Short sentences without jargons are better than long and confusing sentences.
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